We have many opportunities for you to get involved with the Chaffee County Democratic Party and our activities.
What We Believe
Chaffee County Democrats believe that the way to move towards a progressive, equitable, and just society in the United States is to elect Democrats to public office.
We believe in progressive policy goals
We believe in affordable, comprehensive, and equal healthcare for all. Choices and decisions regarding a woman’s body are best left to the woman.
We expect our government to provide policies that lifts ALL Americans so that everyone can earn a living, protect the economy against reckless business practices and implement tax codes where everyone pays their fair share.
Public Education, preschool through higher education, should be free and public. Education is the key for achieving social mobility.
Democrats acknowledge the urgent threat of climate change. We support investing in clean energy and protecting our ecosystems while promoting a vibrant and sustainable American economy. We believe in safeguarding the quality of our air, land, and water for current and future generations. We are committed to the protection of and public management of our publicly owned lands. We believe in the preservation and restoration of forests, wetlands, grasslands, watersheds, oceans, and rivers.
We believe in an affirmative right for all US citizens to be able to vote. Protect and strengthen voting rights. Campaign finance reform including initiating campaign to repeal Citizens United. We are for Fair voting districts. We demand an end to voter suppression tactics. We believe that the right to govern derives from the consent of the governed, not campaign contributions.
We believe in the 2nd Amendment. We also believe there are common-sense steps we can take to reduce gun violence
Fix our immigration system with solutions that are both humane and economically fair.
We should all be treated equally under the law no matter our gender, race, religion or who we love.
Executive Committee
Chair – JoAnne Allen
1st Vice Chair – Alex Lunsford
2nd Vice Chair – Vacant
Treasurer – Susanna Spaulding
Co-Treasurer – Theresa Cortese
Secretary – Lynne Drogosz
Elected Officials
Keith Baker
Chaffee County Commissioner, Chair, District 1
PT Wood
Chaffee County Commissioner, District 3
Lori Mitchell
Chaffee County Clerk & Recorder
Jeff Graf
Chaffee County Coroner
Precinct Committee
Precinct 1 – Bill Baker
Precinct 2 – Vacant
Precinct 3 – Gina Lucrezi,
Precinct 4 – Sigurd Jaastad and JoAnne Allen
Precinct 5 – Anita Cooper and Ed Cooper
Precinct 6 – Janet Boyle and Mark Boyle
Precinct 7 – PT Wood
Precinct 8 – Barbara Tidd and Joellyn Mendelson
Precinct 9 – Sandra Douglas and Molly Jones
Precinct 10- Peter Hylton-Hinga and Patrick Massaro
Precinct 11-Dane DeVoy
Why they support us
I found myself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible experience, and an end product that is the best.
Riley Cassidy
DirectorIn an incredible experience, and an end product that is the best I found myself working in a true partnership that results